Anasayfa » Hafıza Teknikleri İle İngilizce. Hafıza Teknikleri İle İngilizce. Ibandin Abase Asagilamak Abes isler yapmaya devam edersen daha çok asagilanirsin. Ibeys Abbey Büyük Kilise Abi'ye büyük kilise yaptirma dedim. Abi Abdicate den çekilmek Abdi- kedisi yüzünden tahttan çekilmisti. Abdikeyt Abide Tahammül etmek Abidelere hiç tahammül edemem. Ibayd Ability Kabiliyet A! Ebiliti Able Yetenekli A bile B harfinden daha yetenekliydi. Eybil Abhor Nefret etmek Abi- hor görme kimseyi ve hiç kimseden nefret etme. Abhor Abolish Kaldirmak-iptal etmek A! Ibolis Abominable Igrenç Aboo! Mine Abla' nin dügünü ne kadar igrenç. Ibominibil Above Üstünde Abooov- koyunun üstünde ne Governor Of Poker 3 Bronze Ticket var? Ebav About Hakkinda Aboo- ut hakkinda hiç mi fikrin yok? Ebaut Abreast Ayni hizada-yan yana Abi rest çekti bana hoca- ayni hizada durmadigimiz için. Ibrest Abscond Sivismak-kaçmak Abisi kondu mirasa ve ülkesinden sivisarak kaçti. Ipskond Absent Yok-bulunmayan Abi- sende hiç para yok mu? Apsint Absolutely Kesinlikle Abi-sol teli kes ama sag teli kesinlikle kesme. Absilutli Absolve Affetmek Abi-sol ve sag kanat oyuncularimi affet-çünkü onlar asiri yorgunlar. Ibzolv Absorb Emmek Abi sor bi bana-yilan zehri emdin mi hiç diye? Abzörb Abstain Kaçinmak sakinmak Abisi tayin kagidini almaktan kaçindi. Absteyn Abstract Soyut Abisi traktör kullandiginda hayattan soyutlaniyordu. Abstrakt Absurd Saçma absürt Absürt ve saçma dizileri izlerken uyuya kaldim. Absört Abundance Bolluk bereket Aa bundansa zengin koca alirim bolluk bereket içinde yasarim. Ibandins Abuse Suistimal A! Buse'nin iyi niyetini sen mi suiistimal ettin? Abyuis Academic Akademik Akademik takvim henüz açiklanmadi. Akedemik Accede to ege razi olmak Aksi tuttu gene kaderine razi olmadi. Aksent Accept Kabul etmek Ak sepeti satmayi ben kabul ettim. Akseptae arasinda bir ses çikar. Access Giris Akses kartimla internet bankacaligina giris yaptim. Akses Accident Kaza 'Aksi'' dendigi halde kaza yapmadi. Aksidint Acclaim Alkislanmak Aklim fikrim seni delice alkislamakti. Akkleym Acclimatize Alismak Aklima-tiz müzige nerede alistigim hala gelmedi. Aklaymitayz Accommodate Barindirmak Akümü teyit ettirip arabamda barindiracagim. Akomideyt Accompany Refakat etmek 'Ak'' kampanya kara kampanyaya refakat eder. Akampini Accomplice Suç Ortagi Aa! Ikamplis Accomplish Basarmak Aa! Komple isi degistirmeyi basarmis mi?
My Little Word Land As he is about to kill Chelios by injecting the second dose into him, Don Kim, revealed to be alive as Chelios spared him, arrives with his Triads to assist. Study free Turkish flashcards about USA-Preparation-1 created by kturkay to improve your grades. Matching game, word search puzzle, and hangman also. DolceVita Sayı 18 by Merit Hotels - IssuuYasemin çiçekleri teması üzerine kurulu düğünde, çiftin aileleri ve yakın dostlarının yer aldığı kişilik davetli hazır bulundu. Bakteriyi Bad Kötü Bat elime diken tel-kötü hissettirir kendimi. Gastronomy enthusiasts showed great interest to the autograph session held at Merit Crystal Cove Hotel. I will always see the glitter of that treasure in the sky. Ifrount Afire Tutusmus yanan Aa! I think Harun could accomplish just about anything he decides to do.
As he is about to kill Chelios by injecting the second dose into him, Don Kim, revealed to be alive as Chelios spared him, arrives with his Triads to assist. BILEZIK: bracelet. ARZITILEK ticket window, BILETCI: conductor,ticket collector. The Lebanese enthusiasts of the grand prize-offering Merit Poker tournaments, held several times a year at Merit Crystal Cove Hotel in Northern. Matching game, word search puzzle, and hangman also. casino-play-slot.onlineentation petition ARZ ETMEK: a present, submit express. Study free Turkish flashcards about USA-Preparation-1 created by kturkay to improve your grades.Positive events can also be imminent: they just need to be coming soon. Rowling corrected that to "last remaining descendant. My dear child, stay down here, otherwise the mean geese will bite you to death. DeBruin, who also witnessed the development of the first backgammon tournaments in Monte Carlo back in the years when it was the center of backgammon. Many of Webster's crotchets have faded away each year fewer people use the spelling "theater," for instance ; but even the producers of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, chose the traditional American spelling. Harun has tribal tattoos on his thighs. Often when people use phrases like "drastic improvement," they mean "dramatic" instead. Balins Balcony Balkon Balkonu ben temizlemek istiyorum. If it doesn't seem natural to insert a slight pause or hesitation at the point marked by the comma, it should probably be omitted. Ampil Amplify Yükseltmek büyütmek Ampülü fay hattindan daha yukari bir yere yükseltin. When it's part of a British name--like Tarzan's title, "Lord Greystoke"--or part of a place name--like "Greyfriars"--it should retain its original spelling even if an American is doing the writing. The museum promises a colorfully visual, sensory and educational day not only to children but also to adults. Revealing the secret sessions held in the first six years of negotiations, Dr. Quelle horreur! The people speaking feel irony, but their words don't convey it. Aimimint Armchair Koltuk Arim-çayir da kurulmus eski koltukta yasar. Settings like the throne room at the end of Hamlet or a disastrous battlefield strewn with body parts can be called "a shambles" in the traditional sense. Harun left part of his estate to Mine. A different kind of series has to do with a string of adjectives modifying a single noun: "He was a tall, strong, handsome, but stupid man. Bamp Bunch Salkim Bunca zamandir salkimda üzüm yememistim. Banki Bank rate Faiz orani Banker egit ki bize düsük faiz oranini versin. You should feel confident. Anauns Annoy Canini sikmak An oy kullanma aniydi canini sikma kardesim. Kaldırmak, hazmetmek We cannot afford to disbelieve a friend, our child or our spouse when they are actually telling the truth, and so we err on the side of beleiving the liar. Apiçuir Apex Doruk Apex çiçegini kokladigimda zevkin doruklarina ulasiyordum. I know the sentence must start with a noun. I applied for a summer internship. Our streets flood when we have rain. Ant Antarctic Antartika Antartika'da yasamak istemediginizi hafizanizda canlandiriniz. Keyif Son tatilimizde iklimin başlıca zevkindeydik.