Recent advances in technology have made possible a more realistic, graphic depiction in the themes of electronic games. With the advanced improvement in the presentation of the games comes an increased use of the technology to present extremely violent, bloody, and sexually explicit game scenarios. As the largest consumers of these games are children, some thought needs to be given to the effects the games are having on them. A review Video Quiz Hero Casino Answers the literature into effects electronic games have on children has turned up only a small amount of data and most of that has been based on earlier research of the effects of TV on children. Little research has been done on the effects of electronic games and what has been done is inconclusive. The results of the research undertaken portray electronic games as having little or no long term effect on the users. We can find nothing to indicate that more in depth research into the use of electronic games has been undertaken or even planned. With over But then, on the other hand, the large amounts of profit from the sale of the games may discourage any research that may prove the games are indeed detrimental to the users. We believe that the prolonged and excessive use of electronic games contribute to obsessive, addictive behaviour, dehumanization of the player, desensitizing of feelings, health problems and development of anti-social behaviour as well as other disorders as described in this paper. It is not the intent of this paper to call for the banning of games but to encourage research into the effects on the users and ask parents to monitor the games played as well as the length of time their children spend playing them. An abstract of this paper can be found in Proceedings Vol. Questions asked of Valdemar Setzer by concerned parents and teachers, attending more that public lectures given by him on problems caused by TV and computers in education, is the motivating influence to the writing of this paper. There is little doubt it will be called, by some, radical and unbalanced, as it only points out what we believe to be the negative aspects of prolonged and excessive playing of electronic games. Unfortunately, we can find no research to substantiate the negative aspects presented in this paper, but on the other hand, neither is there research to support any positive ones. The authors wish to be considered "radical," as their observations and theories have led them to be totally against the use of electronic games by children until proof that there is nothing detrimental to the health and welfare of the children using them. A search of the literature reveals a dearth of systematic, empirical research that has been carried out as to the effects of video games on children. This lack of systematic or evaluative research reflects an attitude of disdain from within some segments of the computer community. Whatever the reasons it is clear that one can seldom find unequivocal, empirical answers to the questions Lepper, M. To further emphasize the lack of current research, the bulk of the literature available dates from the mid's to late's and cannot take into account the new technology recently made available to the producers of electronic games to enhance the presentation of the violence found in some of the most popular games today. Is the enhanced violence having an effect, and if so what is the extent of that effect? As an example, the results of one published research project, with regard to addictive behaviour, was presented in the following vague terms "While he found some who felt compelled to play, they were in the minority" Greenfield, P. No further data were given as to the percentage compelled to play. Just what is meant by a minority? Forty-nine percent is a minority; how much of a minority is enough to be of concern? As the existing research seems to be inconclusive and without substance, not to mention somewhat out of date due, we put forth a number of observations about electronic games and their users, with special emphasis on children. By using these observations -- until in-depth, systematic, empirical research can confirm or disprove them -- this paper attempts to conceptually draw attention to the probable consequences of children using electronic games and suggests an attitude one may take. In particular we address the compulsive addiction of young people to the violent electronic video games. Our focus will be on the SR game. This type of game is very popular and generally found to be of a combative model and Video Quiz Hero Casino Answers always contains the following features: highly competitive scenario and high level of stimulus response activity; high level of perceived Video Quiz Hero Casino Answers and high level of excitement. When playing a hand held or home computer game, the player is normally seated, head held still. One may only observe minor movements of the hand and arm of the player. The arcade games encourage slightly more activity due to the size and location of the game, but the general outcome of playing the arcade games is the same. From the point of view of the observer, there is very little activity taking place. As to the sensory activity of the game player, the only senses involved are sight and hearing, and they are only marginally active. The marginal activity is due to the minimal use of most of the eye functions: the crystalline lens is not activated constant distance to the objectas well as the pupil constant light levels and the muscles which produce eye movements fixed object. The sound coming from the loudspeaker only punctuates the visual activity of the game. As there are no detailed images or sounds, only the coarse audio-visual sensory stimulus from the game is required -- no discriminating vision or hearing sensory effort is needed. Emotions are being stimulated, as one may observe, through the expressions of success or frustration displayed by the player. This activity is produced by the external stimulation of the game; it is not due to some mental representation internally created by the player, as it would have been in the case of remembering something, reading or hearing words. These feelings are artificially created by the game and have nothing to do with the "reality" of the world we live in. Let us call them "feelings of challenge. As the movements the player is to perform are repetitive and predefined, they require little effort of thought, and there is no need to exercise the player's will power.
Some recent news articles published in American newspapers claim that some children addicted to electronic games spoke too fast with limited sense, feeling or contents in their speech. The player is reduced to the reactions typical of animals reacting to an outside stimulus, as demonstrated by Pavlov in his study of the conditioned reflex. Is it possible to understand the obsession that people feel for playing electronic games over extended periods of time? Çince Geleneksel. Flags of the countries - Quiz 4.
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