The show is set in the 13th century and is Poker Final Table 2018 Youtube on the life of Ertuğrulthe father of Osman Ithe founder of the Ottoman Empire. The show aired for five seasons until 29 May It was written by Mehmet Bozdağ and directed by Metin Günay. Netflix streamed the show internationally from through The show has been well received in Turkey and other countries such as Pakistan and Azerbaijan, [ 4 ] although several countries in the Arab world have banned the show and fatwas have been issued against it. Ertrugrul was a 13th-century Turkic Muslim nomad warrior from Central Asia. Ertrugrul TV serial attempts to present a vivid imagining of a 13th-century Turkic Asian community and Muslim culture. This is made almost impossible when the Kayı are put in a series of problems with the Templars after saving Şehzade NumanHalime Sultanand Şehzade Yiğit because of the traitor in the Emir's palace, Nasirwho works for the Templars but is later killed by Ertuğrul and the truth is shown to the Emir. A problem also arises with Kurdoğlu BeySüleyman Şah's adoptive brother, who seeks his brother's Beylik with the help of Selcan HatunErtuğrul's adopted sister and sister-in-law, who wants revenge from Süleyman Şah as he killed her treacherous father, Alptekin Bey. Ertuğrul, who loves Halime, marries her after much difficulty. Selcan's husband, Gündoğdugrows angry regarding Ertuğrul's actions but eventually calms down and supports his brother. Towards the end of the season, Kurdoğlu is beheaded, Ertuğrul successfully defeats the Templars and captures their castle, and Selcan repents. This is followed by Süleyman Şah's death and the tribe's migration to Erzurum as part of Süleyman Şah's will before he died. The Kayı, settled in Erzurum, seek refuge with the Dodurga after the Mongolsled by Baycu Noyanmassacre half their tribe. This leads to Ertuğrul Poker Final Table 2018 Youtube Tuğtekinhis cousin, who is jealous of him along with Gündoğdu again who is misled by the big threat within the Dodurga; Aytolun and her brother Gümüştekin. Aytolun married Tuğtekin's father, Korkut Beyso that she could help Gümüştekin become the margrave of all the Turkmen tribes with the help of Emir Sadettin after killing Korkut. Only Selcan is aware of this threat and constantly attempts to warn Gündoğdu, who ignores her for her misdeeds in the past. Along with these schemes, Kocabaş, Tuğtekin's alp who works for Baycu Noyan, turns Tuğtekin against Ertuğrul making their relationship worse but is later killed by Ertuğrul, and his relations with Tuğtekin gradually improves. Aytolun and Gümüştekin are killed after their treachery is caught when Selcan's words are listened to and Korkut is killed. Noyan is supposedly killed by Ertuğrul after the death of Tuğtekin and the tribe is split between migrating to Ahlat with Gündoğdu and migrating to Western Anatolia with Ertuğrul. The poor Kayı newcomers face Ural of the rich Çavdar trade-veterans. Although Ural isn't the Bey of his tribe, he seeks more and more power, becoming jealous of the Kayı whenever something good happens to the small tribe. Meanwhile, the Templars who have infiltrated Hanlı Pazar, led by Hancı Simonseek to kill Ertuğrul as he did to the Templars years back. When Ural is accused of killing the Tekfur of KaracahisarAndrosand causing problems for the Kayı, Ural is sentenced to death, however, he is saved by the devious Emir Sadettin. After the death of Candarthe Çavdar Bey, and Ural's father, Ural seeks help from the new Tekfur of Karacahisar, Vasiliuswho wants to rid the Turks of the land, but is killed by Ertuğrul in an attempt to become the Bey of the Çavdar. When Vasilius attempts to ambush the Selçuk Sultanhe fails and is killed by Ertuğrul. At the end of the season, Ertuğrul falls into an ambush set by the new Tekfur of Karacahisar, Ares. It is believed that Ertuğrul is dead despite the truth being that he is actually captured by some slave traders. Meanwhile, Emir Sadettin convinces DündarErtuğrul's brother and the new Kayı Bey, into selling Hanlı Pazar and moving back to Gündoğdu's tribe but is stopped upon Ertuğrul's return and is forthwith banished. After Ertuğrul's son, Gündüzis kidnapped, Ertuğrul declares war against Karacahisar and is successful in conquering it. Following Ares' capture, Ertuğrul takes him to the Sultan and tells him to confess to the Sultan about Sadettin Köpek's misdeeds. The plan nearly works but Köpek is saved by the Sultan's wife, Mahperiand leads to an event turning Ares, later killed by Noyan, into a Muslim. Soon after that, the Sultan is poisoned to death and Köpek's increase in power in the Poker Final Table 2018 Youtube creates problems for the new Sultan, Gıyaseddin. Gıyaseddin allies with Ertuğrul and with the help of Hüsamettin Karaca, Köpek is beheaded. Halime dies in childbirth, giving birth to Ertuğrul's third and youngest son - the prophesied Osman. After this, Ertuğrul faces the return of Noyan but is successful in defeating him and his devious sister, Alangoyawho attempted to kill Osman. Noyan prepares for a battle, historically known as the Battle of Köse Dağand the Kayı move to Söğüt. After 10 years in Söğüt, in a Mongol-controlled Selçuk state, Ertuğrul faces many Mongol commanders including Alıncak and Subutai, along with the Selçuk assassin working with the Mongols, Beybolat.
Examination of game addiction studies conducted in Turkey: A systematic review study
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